As I said, I spent last week (Tuesday through early this morning) visiting my parents at their home in Burlington, VT. Most of the week went more or less as planned--lounging around, running errands with my mom, picking raspberries and grapes and such, jamming (and chutneying) with my dad, generally hanging out with my parents and grandmother... And then, on Saturday morning, we wound up taking my grandmother to the hospital because she was having trouble breathing. As I understand it, she's doing okay, considering, and should be out of the hospital soon (probably with some sort of home hospice arrangement), but that's not exactly going to stop me from worrying.
I did still go to the Vermont Sheep & Wool for an hour or so--my mom chased my dad and me out of the hospital for a while--and I was very glad to run into a bunch of friends, even if I wasn't exactly in the best of moods for socializing. (I know I was trying to act more chipper than I felt, but if I seemed upset or unfriendly, or just spacey, well, now you know why.)
This is the fiber I bought while I was there:

One ounce (more or less) each of Icelandic lamb/angora bunny, Icelandic lamb, and Icelandic lamb/tussah, all from Frelsi Farm. I'm finding the greys to be soothing (not to mention the soothing properties of all that softness), and I think these'll go nicely with the grey shetland that I bought last spring. (I also picked up a couple of colors of dye, but the other yarns & fibers that really caught my eye were either way out of my price range or small enough lots that I wasn't sure they'd be useful.)
*Sigh*. Well, I'm home again now, which means I'm back with a snuggly cat (my parents' cat is not unfriendly, but she doesn't like contact beyond head-scritching), but also means I don't have live-in help assembling dinner. (Mel will only eat dry cat food, which I'm not interested in sharing.) Time to go work on some real food.