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15 March 2006



You can only read Catcher in the Rye without irritation if you are 13 or 14. Older than that and you just want to smack Holden Caufield.
And the Time Traveler's Wife is a terrific book, well worth the time. One of my favorite things I've read in recent years.


You might really like The Shadow of the Wind -- I read it when it first came out, and I thought it was marvelous. It's this sort of twisty, exciting novel about a book and how it serves as the catalyst for everything that happens in the protagonist's life. It was one where I kept having to restrain myself from flipping ahead just to make sure everything turned out ok. :)


I listened to half of Zen and the Art of MM on CD in the car and got so annoyed with it I turned it off! (Maybe it was the author's introduction that ruined it for me?) I adored Time Traveler's Wife. I didn't set out to read Kite Runner, but a friend bought it & read it in one day, and she kept telling me how amazing it was, so I picked it up as bedtime reading... and finished it 3 hours later as the sun came up. It's so emotionally powerful that I forgave him for a couple of infelicities that I would have made him take out; it was hard to say if the book was great, because the emotional power was so overwhelming.


Have you read any Ian McEwan books? I see Atonement on your list - I just picked that one up from the library. I've read other books by McEwan and they are very raw. He has this way of peering into the dark parts of our souls and revealing them in his characters. Disturbing yet exciting, if you like that sort of thing.


Donna Tartt's The Secret History is really good. It's about a small, exclusive clique of classics students at a New England university who harbor a nasty little secret, and in order to keep things hidden, they decide to eliminate one of their own. It's mostly about the clique member's excessive, wasteful, Gatsby-esque lives and the fall-out from their murderous decision. I quite enjoyed it. :)


the lovely bones.. i love that book :)..

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